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In Bloom: Practices for living like Jesus and loving God wholeheartedly

The man answered, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Luke 10:27


We’ve been talking about what it means to flourish as a faith community in every season. The kind of spiritual flourishing we’re called to is about fully engaging with God’s work of restoration within us and in the world around us. Wholeheartedly embodying the good news, for the sake of the world. 


This season we’re celebrating the fruit that helps us see God at work in forming us as His people. We’ll revisit the values of a flourishing community through the context of Deuteronomy 6, share stories of new growth, and embody healthy spiritual living through micro-practices designed to engage our whole selves as faith intersects with everyday life.


Let’s remember that there are all sorts of expressions of God’s Spirit at work. That there’s space for you- your whole self; heart, mind, soul - in this story no matter which life season you’re in. And that the God of the seasons is always inviting us to begin again.


As we reflect and celebrate we also look forward with anticipation about what’s next. We continue to journey towards the hope of the horizon, with the promise of His presence to guide us. As we follow this winding path, may we be people In Bloom.


Our Family Team is passionate about providing resources for you to connect with Jesus, at the dinner table, in the car, or whenever and wherever you find yourself doing life together!

Flourish Cards:

Tracking with the Flourish Group Experience and the Stranger Love series, check out these cards that help families engage with the topic of hospitality.


We value meaningful connection with one another and that means prioritizing time when we turn our chairs to face one another. We are a people who are learning and listening. This works its way into our Sunday gatherings structure, as well as how we explore big themes together. Here are some important conversations we've captured on film in hopes they spur on many, many more conversations off-camera.

Flourish Convo's:

Exploring what it means to Flourish as God's people, as individuals, as communities, has been our big theme this year.

Courageous Conversations:

During the pandemic days of summer 2020, we engaged in a series of Zoom conversations covering issues related to racial injustice to help us learn from one another and move as a community toward reconciliation. Click on the picture to listen to these important voices.